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Campaign “Stop climate change», our 2021 CALENDAR

In recent years, climate change has become one of the main problems worldwide. The effects of climate change have already begun to be felt on all continents: droughts, hurricanes, hunger, diseases, poverty … Together, we are killing our planet.

Foundation of the Sierra Greenway is aware of the importance of facing this serious problem and of the urgent need to take measures to solve it. This is the reason why we have decided to contribute our grain of sand by carrying out a series of actions among which is the development and dissemination of this 2021 calendar. This is how we try to make the population aware that stopping climate change is also in our hands, not only in those of governments.

To do this, we propose 12 small effective actions that we must carry out in our day to day if we want to fight against climate change and that the following generations inherit a world as we know it today.

In Foundation of the Sierra Greenway we are convinced that it is still possible to curb the effects of climate change if measures are taken immediately. For a more sustainable future: Let’s act!! Its our turn!!

Please share this calendar to help us raise awareness among more people.

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